The Pros and Cons of Working for an Agency

As you can imagine, working for a temporary agency offers great flexibility. In this case, unconventional schedules, special needs and unique interests can be met when working for a temporary agency. As a hard worker, you'll have the flexibility to move from one position to another to look for a better salary and find a position you enjoy. Permanent positions often offer a benefit package to employees, while temporary positions tend to offer fewer employee benefits.

You can consider which employee benefits are most valuable to you, such as health insurance or paid time off, to help you decide if working as a temporary employee is right for you or if finding permanent employment with a benefits package is a better option. Are you interested in starting your professional career with an agency? Maybe you've established yourself on the corporate branding side and want to take a leap into the agency world. Whether you're considering an agency focused on website development, creativity, branding, advertising, or others, it's important to recognize some factors that make small (boutique) and large agencies unique in their own way. I'm here to share with you what I think about both of them.

Large agencies have the scale of employees and the talent to accept such large clients, as the demands of these projects are strong and large at scale. A project I highlighted above requires account managers, project managers, a full creative team, brands, designers, email marketers, marketing operations, analytics, and more to complete. Working in an agency was also a challenge, as we had to adhere to a rigorous work schedule. As there were a large number of people working at the agency, they had to use a “one-size-fits-all” approach to the people employed there.

This did not allow for flexible working hours or the possibility of working remotely. This was very difficult, since the office was in the center of the city and traffic was a nightmare. I didn't want special treatment; I just wanted to be treated like an adult, not like a school-age child. One advantage of working for a temporary agency is that some jobs can lead to permanent employment.

Some companies use temporary agencies during seasonal shortages or for projects that permanent employees don't have time to complete. If a temporary employee proves to be reliable and competent during his assignment, the company or organization may decide to offer him a permanent job. As a nurse who has worked exclusively for agencies in the past year, I have compiled a list of pros and cons to give you a real scoop on agency nursing. It's been a while since I worked in a staffing agency and, although I fondly remember my time in an agency, there are some aspects of these working conditions that I will never overlook.

Temporary agencies often focus on specific industries, such as medicine or computer science, so you can choose an agency that connects you to the type of jobs you are qualified for and that meet your specific needs. Reasons for a change in circumstances include management replacements, contract cancellations, or an unexpected decrease in sales. As with everything, there are positive and negative aspects to working in an agency created and since I always like to focus on the positive aspects, let's start with the professionals. Working for an agency offers great flexibility when it comes to unconventional schedules and special needs.

You can move from one position to another in search of better salary and find something that suits your interests better. Permanent positions usually come with benefits packages while temporary ones don't offer as much in terms of employee benefits. It's important to consider which benefits are most valuable for you before deciding if working as a temp is right for you or if finding permanent employment is better option. Large agencies have enough scale and talent pool to accept big clients with demanding projects that require account managers, project managers, creative teams, brands designers etc., while small (boutique) ones offer more flexibility when it comes to working hours and remote work opportunities.

Working in an agency also comes with its own challenges such as having to adhere to strict work schedules due to large number of people employed there which can be difficult if office is located in city center with heavy traffic. One advantage of working for an agency is that some jobs can lead to permanent employment if temp proves reliable and competent during his assignment. Temporary agencies often focus on specific industries such as medicine or computer science so it's easier for them to connect people with jobs they are qualified for and meet their specific needs. As with everything there are pros and cons when it comes to working in an agency.

On one hand there is great flexibility when it comes to unconventional schedules and special needs but on other hand there are challenges such as having to adhere strict work schedules due lack of remote work opportunities or lack of benefits packages compared with permanent positions.

Jeanine Bottcher
Jeanine Bottcher

Freelance web fanatic. Award-winning social media guru. Hardcore social media nerd. Extreme twitter fan. Amateur music expert. Incurable travel evangelist.

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